Invid Quiltamma "Human Terminator"
(Version 1.03 - Last updated: 04/20/03)
- Background and RPG Statistics by Kenneth
Based on an original mecha design by BILL SPANGLER, TIM ELDRED and FRED
- Published in Eternity Comics' "Robotech Invid War"
Upon arriving on Earth, the Invid Regis soon came to the realization that the previous
occupants would not give up the planet without a fight. For similar reasons as the Invid
Regent, she decided that she would have to augment her occupational forces while she was
continuing her evolutionary experiments and developed the Human Terminator
Inorganic towards this end.
The Invid Terminator took much from the her husbands designs, however there are some
noticeable differences. One difference is that the terminator is not a front line
unit, as the Regents Inorganics are, but used as a occupational force. As a result
the Human Terminator only possess a single ranged weapon The Invid Regis knew that a
majority of the human slaves resided in cities, and as a result ranged weapons would be of
limited value. However, the terminator does possess considerable hand to hand
capacities which could be used as an offensive weapon or used to capture resistance
Several thousand terminators were produced during the first six years of the occupation
of Earth. They preformed admirably against unarmed resistance groups and patrolling
in urban areas. But they soon proved extremely vulnerable to the heavily armed
resistance groups that controlled the surrounding wilderness. The Regis
decided to discontinue production of the terminator in favor of expanding her evolutionary
experiments. She felt that the results of these experiments would produce
Invid that
would be able to fight human resistance groups under any circumstance. The
terminators numbers continued to decrease as units were constantly destroyed and not
replaced. By the time the REF launched there final attack on earth only
approximately 100 units were remaining.
- Vehicle Type: Invid Inorganic
- Class: Invid Inorganic
Manufacturer: Regis
Crew: None
(1) Main Body 100
(2) Right/Left Antigrav Units (2) 35 each
(2) Bottom Antigrav Units (2) 25 each
(3) Legs (2) 15 each
(3) Arms (2) 15 each
(3) Particle Beam Arm 35
Head 50
(3) Sensor Eye 25
- Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha
- Destruction of Each antigrav unit will reduce the speed of the inorganic by 1/4
- -3 To strike
- 120 mph (192 kph)
- 50 ft (15 m) high or 70 ft (21 m) long without thrusters.
- Flying:
- 650 mph at altitudes under 5,000 feet.
- 5.0 ft
- 6.0 ft
- 12.0 ft
- 250 kg empty
- Equal to a P.S. of 30
- None
- Two Invid Zgeri-4x protoculture generators. Each generator's maximum output is 2.5
MW at peak operating efficiency. The Invid terminator can operate at peak efficiency
for 6 years.
- Delta V:
- Potentially unlimited with anti-grav units. However, these units were never used
in space.
- Particle Beam Cannon:
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-personnel
- RANGE: 1,000 feet (304 m)
- DAMAGE: 6d6 M.DC.
- RATE OF FIRE: The particle beam cannon can fire four times per melee
- PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.

- HAND TO HAND COMBAT: The Invid Terminator often engages in melee combat to
capture or cripple its prey. In this area the terminator excels taking much from the
design of the scrim
- Blade/Claw: 3d4*3 MDC
- Punch: 2d6*3 M.D
- Tear/Pry: 2d4*3
- Kick: 2d4*3
- Body Block/Tackle: 2D6*3 M.D , 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to
loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
- Full Speed Body Block (only can use once per melee) 2d4*10 to target and 4d4 to
Terminator, 95% chance of knocking opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one
attack that melee round.
Equipment of Note for Invid Terminator:
- Protoculture Sensor: providing detection and tracking of active
Protoculture-powered turbines. For detection of a high-power Veritech Fighter (such as an Alpha), good resolution
extends out to 3km, fair resolution out to 6km, and poor resolution out to 16.8km. A
typical Destroid is detectable at slightly more than half these distances, a Cyclone at four percent of
these distances, and a Gallant
rifle at about one percent of these distances. Similar mecha in service with the Regis
from around 2035 to around 2040 operated equivalently at about twenty-five percent of the
above ranges. Prior to around 2035, no Invid mecha were mounted with protoculture sensors.
- Protoculture Targeting System: +3 to strike out to 2000 ft, +2 to 4000 ft, +1 out
to 11,000 ft.
- Optical Enhancement System: Visual (low spectral resolution)
capable of up to 4x magnification. Night vision optics are also provided, but suffer even
more from the poor spectral resolution.
- External Audio Pickup: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that
can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
- Short-range ultrasonic motion trackers
Random Hit Locations (Front):
Location |
Front |
Main Body |
01-50 |
Head |
51-70 |
Lower Anti-Grav Units (2) |
71-80 |
Side Anti-Grav Units (2) |
80-90 |
Particle Beam Arm |
91-92 |
Legs (2) |
93-94 |
Arms (2) |
95-98 |
Sensor Eye |
99-00 |
- 6 attacks per melee
- +4 to strike with melee attacks, +3 with ranged attacks
- +6 to parry
- +5 to dodge in solder mode
- +5 to initiative
- Critical strikes on a roll of 18, 19, or 20

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