The Following Mecha Stats were generated by Nathan Babcook with the
permission of Peter Walker and formatted to the Stat sheets created by Dave Deitrich and Chris
Meadows. The majority of this entry is the work of Peter Walker, with minor
modifications and alterations by Nathan Babcook. This Mecha is for use in Robotech II: The
Sentinels, Robotech: Invid Invasion, and Robotech: The Third Invid War.
Feel free to copy or distribute this material as you see fit, please do not
claim that it is your own work.
RPG Stats By: Nathan Babcook
Additional Images Provided by Grayfire
Background Info Provided by The Robotech Technical Files
Cyclone is definitely the most innovative design in multiform mecha since the renovation
of the SDF-1. The most recent series of wars, beginning with the Gulf War in 1991 and
continuing through the global civil wars through the next decade taught the military high
commands that basic infantry units suffered great liabilities: they were relatively slow
compared to armor and mecha, and they were too vulnerable to even the smallest weapons.
Though the RDF tried to improve upon the latter problem, the clunky CVR-1 body armor was
hot and immobile. The REF and the ASC pushed forward with the CVR-2 flexi-armor, a
tremendous impovement on CVR-1, but still suffered from low mobility, and somewaht
clunkiness. Although this body armor filled numerous roles and increased the overall
suvivalbility of the averable foot soldier, it became apparent that a man-sized mecha
would be of invaluable use to the infantryman, as would a personal vehicle. Dr. Emil Lang
fulfilled this desire with the Cyclone, a Veritech motorcycle that attached itself to a
new style fo body armor, CVR-3. Adopted by the REF as the primary infantry vehicle, and as
security mecha and an emergency vehicle for downed pilots, this small, nimble mecha has
seen service on hundreds of worlds and all theaters of engagement. The Cyclone is a tough,
durable piece of hardware that maximizes the versatility, survivability, and combat
effectiveness of an individual soldier. The weapons systems are modular, accurate, and
flexible, and the motorcycle mode is unmatched in its role. In all, one can expect to see
more mecha like this in the future.
In late 2032, a new Cyclone was unveiled - the VR-055 Devastator. Though it was far
more costly and difficult to produce than even the Sabre, the VR-055 lived up to its name.
Coupled with the new style external weapons package and sporting a modified CVR helmet,
the Devastator had the equivalent firepower of an entire squad of Battler Cyclones.
Unfortunately, there were problems with the two largest guns, that took several years to
resolve an added to the problem of its enormous cost of manufacture. Consequently, no more
than a hundred VR-055 Devastators saw service in the Third Robotech War.
Click on
the icon to the left to view some pictures from the REF Cyclone maintenance guide
Document: REF-8612-126-0198.
Model: VR-055 Devastaor
Class: M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. Heavy Infantry Unit
Crew: One. must be wearing CVR-3. CVR-3D is preferable for optimum perfromance.
Motorcycle Mode Battlesuit Mode
---------------------------- ----------------------------
* Main Body 300 * Main Body 300
Headlight/Sensors 5 Tires (2, rear) 5
Front Tire 5 Thrusters (rear) 50
Rear Tire 5 Forearm Shields (2) 50
Storage Box (1) 2 Leg Shields (2) 100
Thrusters (rear) 50 Head 50
EP-41R (right side) 50 EP-41R (right shoulder)50
EP-42 (left arm) 50 EP-42 (left arm) 50
GR-105 (right arm) 50 GR-105 (right arm) 50
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will shut the mecha down completely.
- Cycle Mode:
- Maximum Speed: mph (336 kmph)
- Cruising Speed: 80 mph (128 kmph)
- Turbo Boost Fwd: 30 ft (9 m) horizontal
- Turbo Boost Up: 15 ft (4.5 m) vertical
- Battloid Mode:
- Running: 40 mph (64 kmph)
- Flying: 180 mph (288 kmph) - 61 meter ceiling
- Leaping: 20 ft (6 m)
- Thruster Leap: 80 ft (24 m)
- Height:
- Battloid: 7.6 ft (2.5 m)
- Motorcycle: ft (1.29 m)
- Width:
- Battloid: ft (1.03 m)
- Motorcycle: ft (0.5 m)
- Length:
- Battloid: 3.7 ft (1.1 m)
- Motorcycle: ft (2.41 m)
- Weight: lbs (169 kg)
- Cargo:
- The VR-055 has detachable cargo boxes that are connected to the rear of the bike like
saddlebags. The size of each container is 18 inches tall by 20 inches wide by 18 inches
deep. A passenger can also ride seated behind the driver. The VR-055 can hold 300 lbs (140
kg) in addition to the rider. Reduce maximum speed by 20% for every additional 50 lbs (22
kg) over the limit and add -1 to dodge.
- Main Engine: FF-600 Fusion/Protoculture Engine
- Range:
- 1 protoculture cell will power the cyclone for approximately 100 hours of combat before
needing refueling. Constant flying will drain the protoculture cell twice as quickly. As a
backup, the cyclone can run on gasoline power alone for up to 400 miles on a full tank of
fuel, but maximum speed is reduced 15% and constant flying is impossible. The EP-41R
requires its own dedicated protoculture cell and can power the pulse cannon for 100 hours
of combat

The GR-105 is mounted on the right front wheel cover. The Plasma missiles are laser-guided
and have a range of 1 mile (1.7 km).
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Defense
- Missile Type: REF Plasma Mini-missiles ONLY
- Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 per missile
- Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of one, three, or all. Remember, a
volley counts as one melee attack regardless of the number of missiles.
- Range: 1 mile, 5280 ft
- Payload: 6 missiles per launcher.
These launchers are mounted to the outer leg portion of the CVR-3 armor, for a total of
six tubes, with a single missile in each tube. Guided by the Cyclone's internal sensors,
this weapon fires the same projectiles as the GR-103 (usually armor-piercing).
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Defense
- Missile Type: Any REF mini-missile except plasma amy be used
- Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
- Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of three. Remember, a volley counts as
one melee attack regardless of the number of missiles.
- Range: Varies with missile type; 1 mile.
- Payload: 3 missiles per launcher.

The EP-41R can fire 1.0 MJ shots at a maximum sustained rate of the rate of 30 shots per
minute, but is capable of instantaneous rate of fire of 300 shots per minute. This weapon
is mounted on the right shoulder of the cyclone in battloid and is capable of +60 to -30
degree traverse in altitude, and a 15 degree traverse in azimuth. The weapon is powered
from its own dedicated protoculture cell, and is somewhat unreliable, tending to overheat
at maximum firing rate. The gun machinery requires the removal of the Cyclone's flip-up
targeting sensor, which is replaced by a fixed monocular head piece attached to a modified
CVR helmet.
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
- Mega-Damage: 6D6
- Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot's Attacks per melee, but constant firing of more
than four minutes will cause the weapon to overheat. this requires a cooling down period
of 1D8 melees
- Range: 4000 ft
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited

The EP-42 is mounted to the left forearm plate. Deriving its power from the Cyclone's main
generator, the EP-42 is capable of firing 3.0 MJ pulses from each barrel at a total rate
of fire of twenty shots per minute. This weapon is based upon a miniaturized version of
the gun machinery of the Alpha's EP-13.
- Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Fire Support
- Mega-Damage: 2D4 x 10
- Rate of Fire: 5 shots per melee
- Range: 6000 ft
- Payload: Effectivly unlimited
As with all REF Cyclones, the arm shields of the VR-055 Devastator are designed to
interface with any one of the GR-series weapon modules, or an EP-42 Pulse Beam Gun. One
weapon module can be mounted on each forearm shield. The Cyclone's onboard computer system
will automatically recognize which weapon module is installed and adjust the targeting
displays on the pilot's helmet accordingly. Any GR or EP-series weapon module can be used.
- HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT: Punch does 1D4 M.D. Kick does 1D4 M.D. (The VR-055
Devastator has an equivalent strength of PS 40) Leap Kick does 2D4 M.D. Body Flip or Body
Block does 1D4 M.D. Any type of hand-held weapon can be fired by the pilot while in
cyclone armor, including the Gallant H-90 Multi-Weapon System, EP-37 Beam Cannon, and
- RADAR WITH HEADS-UP DISPLAY: Range: 10 miles. Can identify and track up to 40 different
- TARGETING COMPUTER: Requires Specially fitted CVR-3 helemt. Provides the pilot with +3
to strike with GR-103 and GR-10 Missile Launchers and +4 to strike with other weapon
systems (Beam Cannons, Lasers, etc.). Range: 4000 ft (609 m).
- RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: Boosts standard radio in CVR-series armors to 10 mile (16 km)
- MISCELLANEOUS INDICATORS: Altitude, Speed, Power status, Time, Date, Direction, etc. All
controlled by on-board computer.
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