Main Battle Mecha MBR-12 Mk III "SUPER CONDOR"
(Version 1.00 - Last updated:
- RPG Translation and Background by Kenneth
- Background Information
derived from Robotech Technical
- Based on an original mecha design in Artmic Design Works:
B-Club Special

The original MBR-12 Mark II was designed as the premier cavalry
mecha for the REF during the Sentinels campaign. The Condor internal
structure was taken from the Alpha fighter. Additional armor was added
using the newer armor plating developed for the Z2 Battlpod. Although, the
protection was not as extensive as that given to the REF destroids, the quick
strike mission of the Condor mandated that the design be maneuverable first and
foremost. The MM-60 missile launcher was taken from the VAF-6 design;
however, engineers had to reduce the number of missile to 54 in order to fit
into the more heavily armored chasse.
In practice, the Mark II design proved problematic. The mecha was not
nearly maneuverable as the VAF-6 or even the VBF-1 in the air, and did not have
the firepower nor the armor of the destroids on the ground. As pilots in
the MBF-12 Condor continually suffered casualty rates twice as high as their
veritech and destroid brethren, the REF high command decided to remove the
Condor and assign all the remaining unit to ship board defense, reconnaissance,
and for use by the REF Marines as an air cavalry mecha.
Surprisingly, the MBR-12 Condor Mark II, proved to be extremely adept as a ship
board defensive unit. In space borne operations, the Condor was nearly as
maneuverable as the Alpha fighter and had the greater armor and firepower. Small
squadrons of Condors were formed onboard larger capital ships to provide an
extended defensive capability. The standard defensive tactic was to form a
strong defensive perimeter several kilometers form the ship where they would
break up incoming waves of Invid mecha before they reached the the inner defense
perimeter of the ship. The REF was desperately looking for a stop gap
measure to overcome the woeful lack of anti-mecha weapons mounted on their
capital ships.
The Condor proved so successful, that an upgraded version was ordered in limited
quantities. The Mark III was designed for space based defensive operations
of capital ships only. The mecha would have only have limited mobility in
terrestrial atmospheres and gravities. The Mark III was to use the same
chases; however, armor was to be increased another 25% over that of the Mark II.
An additional Pratt and Whitney JG95D engine was added to the rear of the Mark
III in order to offset the additional mass from the armor and increased
weaponry. Designers felt that the Mark II, needed longer range weaponry
and upgraded short range capability. Three DDI-6 medium range missile
launchers were added to the shoulders of the mecha. These launchers would primarily
be used to carry the new Diamondback
Mod G cluster missile designed to destroy large formations of Invid at
distances greater than 20 kilometers. Four EP-13 (taken from the VAF-6)
were added to replace the original EP-12. These weapons would
quickly make short work of any Invid that managed get into range. The
MM-54 system was scaled back to 16 hammerhead missiles in order to improve the
armor on the arms and to compensate for the increased power drain caused by the
Production began in early 2044, near the end of the Sentinel campaign. The
Mark III proved its worth in the campaign on Xylos IV. At the time
squadrons (some 20 Mark III's) were assigned to the the SS. Victorious.
Approximately 100 Invid Armored Scouts were able to break through the RDF blockade
of the planet and closed on the command ship. The 20 Mark III's were not
only able to save the ship but destroyed 93 of the incoming units before the
veritech squadrons were able to engage.
Some 259 units were produced and most were set back to Earth for
the final battle of the Third Robotech War. The design proved extremely
useful protecting the capital ships on their assault on Earth; however, the
shear number of Invid mecha quickly overwhelmed the limited numbers of Mark
III's. Production stopped in 2045, as the REF felt that VBF-1's dedicated
to shipboard defense provided similar protection and did not introduce another
mecha into the supply chain. All the surviving Mark II's and Super Mark
III's were placed into storage either at the REF graveyard outside of Archimedes
base or on Tyrol.
- Vehicle Type: One manned enhanced maneuverability mecha
- Class: Destroid
Manufacturer: Robotech Research
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System.
Location |
Super Condor |
* Head / Sensor |
150 |
Hands (2) |
30 each |
Forearms (2) |
175 each |
Shoulder / Missile Pods (3) |
100 each |
Rear Thrusters (3) |
75 each |
Upper Legs (2) |
150 each |
Lower Legs (2) |
200 each |
**Main Body |
350 |
EP-13 Gud Pods (4) |
100 |
- * Destroying the head of the Condor will knock out the mecha's major sensor systems,
including all of the optics systems (infrared, nightvision, thermal). Radar and
communications will be unaffected.
- ** Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha.
- 185 kph
- 300 meters without thrusters.
- 350 kph for two minutes
- 3 x PRATT & WHITNEY JG95D [Main] fusion plasma-air/reaction mass
intermix turbines in the legs. Max thrust, 118 kN each.
- 9.00m
- 6.0m
- 5.5m
- 35.7 metric tons
- Equal to a P.S. of 60
- Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings in addition to the cyclone
storage compartment
- 4 x RRL-2P Miniaturized Protoculture-cell energizer
- 32 standard canisters of Protoculture
1 dedicated canister for main weapon (if applicable)
98 lit. D2O reactant for fusion engines.
- Delta V:
- 35 kps
- None

- 4 x EP-13 THREE-BARRELED 80MM PARTICLE GUN POD: Can fire 170 rounds
per minute in full automatic mode, also capable of firing all three barrels
simultaneously in semiautomatic mode at approximately one shot per second.
This weapon fires 3.2 MJ pulses per barrel with its own dedicated
protoculture cell and capacitor banks in the 'clip'. This weapon,
built into an external shell identical to that of the GU-13, was developed
in 2032 by the REF, but did not see wide use until 2037. By 2041, the
EP-13 had almost completely replaced the GU-13 as the main cannon of the
Alphas in the REF's inventory.
- RANGE: 1200 m
- DAMAGE: 2d4 for each Single blast, 1d6*10 for each triple
blast, 2d4*10 for each medium burst (up to six times per melee), or
4d4*10 for each full melee burst.
- RATE OF FIRE: Single shots or bursts equal to the combined
attacks of the pilot.
- PAYLOAD: Conditionally unlimited. The protoculture cell
is estimated to have enough power for 3000 single shots, 1000 triple
shots, 300 long bursts, or 100 full melee bursts.
- MM-16 MULTI-MISSILE SYSTEM: In order to supply the power to all
four EP-13's simultaneously, additional protocutlure cells were added.
This reduced the missile compliment from the Mark II by removing all the
missiles in the shoulders and lower arms. However, the Mark III does
retain the lower leg compliment of 16 hammerhead
short range missiles. These were used only as a weapon of last resort,
as the EP-13's were designed to take out any Invid that came within
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
- RANGE: Varies
- DAMAGE: Varies
- RATE OF FIRE: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, eight,
or all sixteen
- PAYLOAD: 8 in each lower leg
- 3 x DDI-6 MEDIUM RANGE MISSILE SYSTEM: The Super Condor's primary
long range system are three DDI-6 medium range missily launchers.
These launchers are mounted over the shoulders on the Super Condor. Each launcher can hold
six 260mm x 1.2m Diamondback MRM.
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
- RANGE: Varies
- DAMAGE: Varies
- RATE OF FIRE: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six,
twelve, or all eighteen.
- PAYLOAD: 6 per launcher for a total of 18
- HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the Super Condor can engage in melee combat rather
than use a weapon. The Super Condor is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand
combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.
- Punch in Battloid: 1D6*3
- Punch in Guardian: 1D4*3
- Kick: 1D6*3
- Leap Kick: 2D6*3
- Body Flip/Throw: 1D6*3
- Body Block/Tackle: 1D6*3
- Stomp: 1D4*3 . (only effective against small objects)
- COMBAT COMPUTER: The Super Condor is equipped with a combat computer that can
store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. The combat computer tracks and
identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 10,000 images stored in
memory. The computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously.
- EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that
can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
- HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life
threatening head and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the
shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what the levels
of radiation are.
- HOMING SIGNAL: The escape pod of the Super Condor is equipped with a homing
device that enables rescue teams to locate a disabled craft or ejected life pod. The range
of the signal is 400 miles (640 km). Most REF ships and veritechs can locate and track a
homing signal, and the onboard computers will automatically notify their pilots if such a
signal is detected.
- LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range: 100 miles (160 km). Used for increased accuracy in
the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the mecha's strike bonus.
- LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to
amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
- OPTICS: INFRARED: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam
of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye, but detectable by the mecha's
sensors. The system allows the pilot to detect hidden/concealed objects by their IR
reflectiveness. The beam will be visible to anyone with IR sensitive optics, however.
- OPTICS: NIGHTVISION: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier
that emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically
amplified to produce a visible picture.
- OPTICS: THERMAL IMAGER: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive optical heat sensor
that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts that data into a
false-color visible image. The system enables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows,
and through smoke, and also adds a +10% bonus to pilots using a tracking skill.
- RADAR: 50 mile range.
- RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications system with
satellite relay capabilities. Range: 600 miles (960 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via
satellite relay.
- SELF-DESTRUCT: To prevent capture of an advance variable fighter by the enemy,
the pilot can activate the self-destruct system, which will cause the
destroid to explode after a delay of up to 60 minutes (time is set by the pilot). The
explosive damage is contained within a 20 foot (6 m) area and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. to
everything within the radius of the explosion. All internal systems are obliterated. The
escape pod will be automatically ejected prior to the explosion unless the pilot overrides
the ejection sequence.
- STANDARD SURVIVAL KIT: All REFs mecha come equipped with a portable survival kit.
Inside the small reinforced box is a medium-sized flashlight, two hand flares, one rocket
flare, a compass, infrared distancing binoculars, a small mirror, a pocket knife,
dehydrated and concentrated food (can be stretched into a five day supply for one person)
and basic first aid items (aspirin, bandages, disinfectants, etc.)
- TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The Super Condor's cockpit is pressurized, and also
provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with
pressurized breathing.
- CHAFF AND FLARE DISPENSERS: 24 chaff and 24 flares are stored in the
lower legs
- SPECIAL: A special sensor 'snout' could be mounted on the Destroid
faceplate. This sensor pod contains a Texas Instruments TPG-137D Synthetic Aperture Radar (200 mile range), Thomson radiation
and motion sensors and extensive chemical sniffers and probe systems. As the snout attachment covers the head and
the sensors located there, a secondary Allview system, covering the angles obscured by the snout, is
also mounted in the attachment.
- 2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
- Add one additional action/attack at levels five and ten.
- +1 to strike
- +0 to parry
- +1 to dodge
- +2 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
- Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
- Robotech Technical Files: Condor
- Palladium Books: "The Sentinels"
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