Robotech Perfect Collection
"The Rules"
- Version 1.1 - Modified 12/02/98 Added rules for evasive action as well
as changed the formatting so that there are anchors back up to the table of contents.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 12/02/98
"Of Nose Lasers, Vindicators, and Delta-V"
the rantings of a crazed GM

Zentraedi Armor and
Small Arms
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 11/19/01
RDF Armor
and Small Arms
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 11/29/01. Increased the damage and
the penetration value of the AR-21 so that it was more in line with the M-16
- Version 1.00 - First release version, posted on 11/12/01
Invid Armor and Small Arms
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 11/30/01
Cyclone Weapon Systems
- Version 1.1 - Modified on 06/06/2005. Added the
EP-26 Pulse Rifle, EP-48 Mortar Rifle, and H-109P Destablizer. Fixed
some minor formatting problems and lowered the damage on the GR-97 and
GR-105 to 5D6 MDC from 1D6*10 MDC
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/22/99
Double-Barrel Gu-XX
- Version 0.8 - First released version, posted on 01/30/98.
GA-13 40mm Gauss Rifle
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 08/13/98
- Version 0.9 - Modified 08/12/98. Added a new picture
- Version 0.8 - Modified 07/21/98. Changed the background and some
of the formatting.
- Version 0.7 - First released version, posted on 01/30/98.
Mini Missiles
- Version 0.7 - First released version, posted on 02/02/98.
Short Range Missiles
- Version 0.7 - First released version, posted on 02/02/98
Medium Range Missiles
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 04/15/99
Long Range Missiles
- Version 0.7 - First released version, posted on 07/23/98

Pupil Pistol
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/02/98

NP-BP-22 VF-6 FAST Pack Boosters
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 10/20/03
Deployment (TREAD) booster
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/16/04

Zentraedi Capital Ships
Automated Weapons Platform "Mushroom"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/26/01
Zentraedi Mecha
Pod (Regult-Assault)
- Version 1.01 - Modified 03/27/01. Corrected some minor
spelling and formatting errors.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 01/06/99
Glaug "Enhanced Officer Pod"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 02/01/01
Glaug "Commander's Pod"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 02/05/01
Laa "Command Armor"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/13/01
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 02/07/01
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 02/18/01
Queadlunn-Ger "Tactical Power Armor
- Version 1.01 - Modified 11/28/00. Corrected some minor spelling and
fixed errors
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 11/25/98
Queadlunn Glaug
"Officer Power Armor"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/07/98
"Shock Armor"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 02/17/99. Gave the Queadlunn-Nna +9 to dodge in
space (+5 with AI). With all the maneuvering thrusters I would think that the bonus
would be higher.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 02/17/99
"Assault Power Armor"
- Version 2.0 - Modified 11/28/00, Major revisions to history
and weapons load.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted of 11/25/98
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 03/27/01
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/06/01
Stealth Fighter Pod
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 01/04/03
Stealth Regult
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 10/24/02
Tolver Malgrin Zentraedi Assault Recon Pod
- Version 2.0 - Added additional pictures and updated the weapons
load and booster unit to correspond to the new information, posted on 01/07/02
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/25/01
Regult "Advanced Tactical Battlepod"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 10/02/04
Zentraedi Vehicles
Balnor Zentraedi Gunboat
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 06/12/01
Automated Drone "Mite"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/16/01
Eastern Soviet Independent States
MiM-31 "Karyovin"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 06/20/03, added artwork from Wildstorm
Sourcebook #1
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 12/03/02
Oscar II Guided Missile Submarine
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/14/03
JAS-39 "Gripen"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/16/04
Sukhoi S-37 "Berkut"
- Version 2.0 - Substantial modification, updated the history to
reflect that the S-37 is an actual Russian aircraft and updated the weapons
and equipment to reflect this.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/17/98
YVM-29 "Blue
- Version 1.01 - Modified 08/19/00, Fixed spelling errors
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/17/98
Robotech Defense Forces
EC-33 "Tracer"
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 05/30/02
F-203 "Dragon-II"
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 08/07/2002
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/02/01
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 01/26/99
SF-2 Hunter
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/21/98
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 07/04/02

Earth Trekkers
Mk II "Spider"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 01/24/03
ET-01 Mk IV "Tarantula"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 01/15/03
ET-01 Mk V "Blackwidow"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/10/03
ADR-04 "Matador Zal" Mk IX Air Defense Robot
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/22/02
Cestus Battle Suit
- Version 2.0 - Modified 06/15/98. Nathan Babcook of Hellcat
Squadron provided additional background linking the Cestus Battle Suit and his own
RK-640 Gryphon Airborne Power Armor.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, approximately posted 4/15/98
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 04/04/01
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/20/98
RDF Masamune
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 06/15/98
Naval Ships
Gibraltar Class Super Carrier
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/30/03, fixed some minor formatting
errors and added the compliment of mecha when the carrier was serving with the
Armies of the Southern Cross
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 04/28/03

MBT M-5 "Dark Knight"
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 06/03/02
M-6 "Tornado"
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 06/21/02

VE-1 Elint
- Version 1.01 - Modified 08/05/98, added boxed picture in
the middle of the file.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 08/06/98.
VF-I2 "Thunderchief"
- Version 1.0 - Modified 10/19/98, finally added the
history section.
- Version 0.2 - Modified 10/19/98, added the pictures from
Antarctic Press "Robotech Wings of Gibraltar #2". Added the missile launchers
which are shown in the second comic. The history section is still to be
- Version 0.1 - First released version, posted on 09/22/98.
There is no history section and the file is actually a prerelease in
expectation of more information provided in upcoming comics.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/29/98.
VF-1M "Morningstar"
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 07/29/98, fixed some spelling
and formatting errors.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on
VF-SGP-1 "Armored Ostrich"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 04/09/01.
VF-2 "Jotun"
- Version 1.01 - Corrected the artist of the pictures.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 06/16/98.
VF-4 "Lightning"
- Version 1.02 -Reduced the number of hard points from eight to six,
posted on 01/29/01
- Version 1.01 -Added two additional pictures for the VF-X-4, posted
on 01/29/01
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on
XVF-10 "Apache"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 10/14/02. Fixed a number of spelling
and grammar errors throughout the file, updated the delta-v, updated the file
to the newer format, and updated the history such that it is more in line with
the official time-line presented on Robotech.com. I also removed the
four hardpoints under the main fuselage.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/29/98.
VF-3000 "Blazingstar"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 08/24/00, downgraded the number of hand to
hand attacks to 2 per melee. Considering the heavily armored nature of
the veritech and the nature of the technology during Macross three attacks per
melee seemed excessive
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 08/12/98.
VB-3000 "Aardvark"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 12/10/01
VF-X-24 "Ghost"
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 12/12/01. The
official Macross designation of the fighter is the VF-X-7; however, because
Robotech.com has given the VF-X-7 designation to the early version of the Beta
fighter. I picked the X-24 designation because the fighter design was
based of the X-24 plane.
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 12/17/01. The
official Macross designation of the bomber is the Silver AX-AF-49 fighter;
however, I chose the VB-X-49 designation more in line with traditional
Robotech nomenclature and to honor the YB-49 after which the bomber mode
VIF-1 "Hornet"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/02/00
VBT-1A (-1A1,-1A2) Centaur Hover Tank
- Version 1.1 - Modified on 12/16/02. Major update, added a new
history and updated the weapons loadout.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/16/99.
"Harrier Hurricane"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/17/00
- Version 1.00 - First released version, approximately posted on 7/20/98
- Version 1.01 - Modified 07/27/98, added disclaimers for The Robotech
- Version 1.00 - First released version, approximately posted on 7/20/98
Robotech Masters
- Version 1.04 - Modified 05/19/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/23/98
Sky Sled
- Version 1.02 - Modified 09/24/98, added picture of blue bioroid with
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/27/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/23/98
Robotech Master Triumviroid
- Version 1.02 - Modified on 08/13/98, changed the MDC values down in
light of the values chosen for the Robotech Master Combat Droid. Fixed some
formatting errors
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/16/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
errors. I also added the first picture.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/10/98.
Master Combat Droid
- Version 1.10 - Modified 04/20/99, added pictures from "Robotech:
The Untold Story"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 08/13/98
Tirolian Szatchi'dohl
"Warrior" Bioroid
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/08/98.
Tirolian Tzensi'dohl
"Warlock" Bioroid
- Version 1.01 - Modified 07/08/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/03/98
Bioroid Terran Fighter
- Version 1.04 - Modified 05/07/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
errors. I also added the first picture.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/23/98.
Command Terran Fighter
- Version 1.01 - Modified 05/07/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/27/98.
Armies of the Southern Cross
AHP-3 "Flagga" Assault Hoverplatform
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 05/05/02
HDV-1 Hargun Delivery Vehicle
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/05/02
HWR-00 'Big
Moe' Customized Monster
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 05/15/04
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posed on 03/20/02
SDR-05 "Space
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/31/02, added additional references
- Version 1.00 - First release version, posted on 04/30/02
SDR-06 "Advanced Space Hargun"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/31/03
MBR-13 Salamander
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 11/08/01
MDR-17 Unicorn
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 11/05/01
SF-9 Pirate
- Version 1.10 - Modified 04/20/99, added pictures from "Robotech:
The Untold Story"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/24/98.
SA-10 Hornet
- Version 1.10 - Modified 04/20/99, added pictures from "Robotech:
The Untold Story"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/21/98.
VC-1 "Hargun"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/31/02, added additional references
- Version 1.00 First released version, posted on 04/30/02
VHT-1 (-1A1,
-1A2,-1A3) Veritech Hovertank
- Version 2.00 - Modified 08/07/03, major update. Added history
to correspond with that presented at Robotech.com
- Version 1.00 - First Released version, posted on 07/04/99
VHT-2K "The
- Version 1.02 - Modified 04/16/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
errors. I also touched up the first picture.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/10/98
VHT-2 "Hoplite"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/23/03
- Version 1.02 - Modified 10/14/02, updated file from VF-10 Logan to
official VF-8 designation. Fixed spelling errors and updated format
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/29/99, added some additional pictures.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/27/99
Auroran/ AJACS Fighter
- Version 1.02 - Modified 08/24/00, fixed some spelling and
formatting errors.
- Version 1.01 - Modified 04/29/99, added some additional pictures.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 04/15/99
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/14/99
Command Scrim
- Version 1.1 - Modified on 12/04/02, major update. Fixed
numerous spelling and formatting errors. In addition, I have lowered the
MDC of the mecha such that it is more in line with the posted Odeon stats.
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 03/26/98
Invid Commander "Royal Command Armor"
- Version 2.0 - Modified on 10/07/03. Added the history the
history and designation to correspond with the official ones posted on
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 06/23/98
Gosamu Invid Overlord
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 11/02/2004
Guraa Strike
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 05/21/98
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 09/10/01
Kerogga Scout
- Version 1.00 - First release version, posted on 10/18/01
Invid Command Scrim
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 03/26/98
Invid Human Terminator
- Version 1.02 - Modified 03/26/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 03/06/98
Mular Enforcer
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 09/25/01
Lagur Light
Aerospace Mecha
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 10/02/01
Ligaa Aerospace
- Version 1.01 - Modified the MDC values of the Armored Scout to the
more traditional Palladium stats
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 08/09/01
Ligurab Invid Warrior
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/07/98
Liraa Strike Scout
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 05/21/98
Giraa Command
"Invid Scorpion"
- Version 1.01 - Modified 02/08/02. Fixed the numerous spelling
errors as well changed the format of the pictures.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/12/98
Iglam Scout
"Invid Tick"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/13/98
Larab Warrior
"Invid Mantis"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/07/98
Shock Trooper "Invid Razorback"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/12/98
Marglar Recon
"Invid Arachnid"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/12/98
Odeon Assault
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 12/03/02. Fixed some spelling and
formatting errors and gave the Odeon a thermal imager and night vision
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 10/23/01
Robotech Expeditionary Forces
Bioroid Interceptor
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 01/04/06
Destablizer Tank
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 05/24/05
Karbarran Power Armor
- Version 1.01- Modified 08/15/00, Fixed spelling errors.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/20/98
M-310 "Battle Buggy"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/08/06
VR-055 Devastator courtesy
of Nathan Babook of Hellcat Squad
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 08/26/98.
Basically the file directly from the old Hellcat Squadron.
"Griffin" Space Cyclone
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 08/08/98
VR-064S Shadow Dancer Cyclone
courtesy of Nathan Babook of
Hellcat Squad Room
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 08/26/98.
Basically the file directly from the old Hellcat Squadron.
"Executioner" Assault Cyclone
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 11/13/98
MBR-12 Mk II Condor
- Version 1.01 - Modified 06/21/00. Fixed some spelling errors
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 05/20/98
Mk III Super Condor
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 06/22/00
- Version 2.0 - Modified on 03/05/99. I added the newer pictures
based of the drawings from Matt Willis. In addition a MM-24 short range missile
launcher has been added to the left shoulder.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/03/99
- Version 2.1 - Modified 06/08/03. Updated the history taking
into consideration the dates and pictures given in Wildstorm Comics "Love and
War #1". Removed the rear mounted particle beam cannons, as the pictures
in Love and War clearly show them as thrusters; however, the area between the
large beam cannons appear to hold a missile launcher.
- Version 2.0 - Modified on 03/05/99. I added the newer pictures
based of the drawings from Matt Willis. In addition the medium range missiles are
gone, as the newer picture seems to indicate that there are no launchers in the legs.
The are replaced with four RRG-15a particle beam cannons found on the older REF
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 02/22/99
- Version 2.0 - Modified on 03/05/99. I added the newer pictures
based of the drawings from Matt Willis.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/03/99
- Version 2.0 - Modified on 03/05/99. I added the newer pictures
based of the drawings from Matt Willis. In addition the weapons load has been
drastically altered. The shoulder missile launchers hold 24 short range instead of 6
long. The arm mounted missile launchers are the EU-35's from the beta fighter and a
single ball mounted PPC-15 particle beam cannon has been added.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 03/03/99
KDF-3 K'Turk E-Wing
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 04/20/03
SF-6 Vulture
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/23/98
SA-8 Vampire
- Version 1.01 - Modified 07/23/98. I added the CBM-300 missile to
the weapon's complement. I also fixed some spelling and grammatical errors that tend
to run rapid throughout.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/23/98
Zentraedi Variable Battle Pod
- Version 1.01 - Added additional pictures, posted on 11/12/00
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 08/08/00
VBR-2 Shadow Hawk
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 07/16/2004. Updated
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 09/10/98
VB-2 "Spirit"
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 02/02/02. Modified the delta-v of
the VB-2 based off of new calculations. I added information on the g
limits, fuel capacity, and maximum acceleration in space.
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 01/13/02
VF-SDP "Kawamori"
- Version 1.03 - Modified on 11/24/00. Added the new picture
from Macross Milcomnet. The designation has been changed to VF-SDP as
- Version 1.02 - Modified on 06/29/99. Used the new color picture
by Greg Smith
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 10/05/98. Changed some of the MDC
values that are more in line with the VF-1R.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 08/21/98
- Version 1.02 - Modified on 10/7/98. Changed the history section
slightly. Roughly 30% of the Mustangs are now kept on Earth during the Second
Robotech War. Initially, I had all the VF-1R's go into deep space. This was
done at the request of yoroiden@aol.com for the
purpose of allowing his character to fly the mecha during the Southern Cross.
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 10/05/98. Fixed some of the MDC values
that are more in line with the VF-1Y. I accidentally used the VF-1Y values.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 09/30/98
- Version 1.03 - Modified 08/14/01. Updated random hit tables,
previous version had errors.
- Version 1.02 -Modified on 08/11/01. New Random hit locations
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 07/19/01. Minor formatting and
spelling issues
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 07/15/01
VA-6 "Mothra
- Version 1.01 - Modified on 05/02/01. Changed some of the
physical dimensions and top speeds to match Macross VF-X2 visual guide.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 03/29/99
VF-5 "Condor"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 07/08/03
VF-6 Series of Veritech
- Version 2.03 - Modified 02/16/03. Fixed errors in random hit
- Version 2.02 - Modified 10/20/03. Added the hyperlinks to the
NP-BP-22 FAST PACK boosters.
- Version 2.01 - Modified 05/09/03. Added the hyperlinks to the
Robotech Research picture archive, fixed some minor formatting errors and
changed the values for hand-to-hand damage.
- Version 2.00 - Modified 02/08/02. Massive update, created
history in line with entries from VF-6 "Alpha" fighter on Robotech.com.
Updated armor values and delta-v.
- Version 1.19 - Modified 08/14/01. Updated random hit tables,
previous version had errors.
- Version 1.18 - Modified 08/12/01. Updated random hit tables.
- Version 1.17 - Modified 07/18/01. Reduced the damage of the
GA-15 Gauss Rifle from 2D6*10 to 2D4*10.
- Version 1.16 - Modified 12/17/00. Corrected the entry for the
MM-60 missile system along with several spelling errors.
- Version 1.15 - Modified 06/28/00. Added the GA-15 entry
- Version 1.14 - Modified 06/21/00. Fixed the discrepancy
between the EP-13 and the EU-13 as well as fixing some spelling and
formatting errors
- Version 1.13 - Modified 04/22/99. Added the new picture of the
alpha firing its nose lasers.
- Version 1.12 - Modified 04/15/99. Updated the medium range
missiles to conform to the Diamondback MRM
- Version 1.11 - Modified 04/15/99. Updated the
damage for the tarantula missiles
- Version 1.10 - Modified 04/13/99. Updated the alpha fighter to
include the addition of 4 GRL-4 Missile launchers on either side of the head.
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 05/30/98
Vandal Shadowdrone courtesy of Nathan Babook of Hellcat Squad Room
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 09/03/98.
Basically the file directly from the old Hellcat Squadron. I modified the notes on the
bottom of the page.
VAF-X-10 Mark
II Heavy Assault Alpha Fighter
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 06/28/99.
Modified version of the original that Victor Cross provided Robotech Research
"Super Alpha"
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on
VBF-9 Series of Veritech
- Version 1.19 - Modified 04/30/03. Fixed some formatting
errors and changed the hand-to-hand combat damage. This version will
soon be replaced with one more in line with the official VF-12 instead of the
Palladium RPG designation.
- Version 1.18 - Modified 08/14/01. Updated random hit tables,
previous version had errors.
- Version 1.17 - Modified 08/11/01. Updated random hit tables
- Version 1.15 - Modified 12/17/00. Fixed numerous spelling
- Version 1.14 - Modified 04/16/99 one more adjustment to the
random hit locations (decreased chance to hit main body back to what it was in version
1.12 and modified the beta battloid front charts)
- Version 1.13 - Modified 04/13/99, updated the armor on the beta
fighter (main body from 300 to 350, lower legs from 150 to 175), random hit locations
(increased chance to hit main body), and the progression of the number of hand to hand
attacks (from 7/13 to 6/12).
- Version 1.12 - Modified 03/03/99, updated the DD-32 missile launchers
so that they now better reflect the range and damage of the Coralsnake missile.
- Version 1.11 - Modified 10/14/98, fixed the damage potentials of the
EU-35 to better reflect the energy rating, damage is now 1D4*10+10, 2D4*10+20, 5D4*10 for
(short, medium, and full) and the range was increased from 1 km to 1.2 km.
- Version 1.10 - Modified 08/18/98, fixed some spelling and formatting
errors. I have changed the armament of the beta fighter. Still shots clearly
show that both of the side guns mounted in the legs are triple barrel and not single.
There for these guns in the legs have been changed to either GU-13S or EU-14.
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 05/30/98
VA-12 "Synchro Beta"
- Version 0.1 - First released version, posted on 10/13/02
Armored VBF-9 with GBP-9S Armor Augmentation System
- Version 1.0 - First release version, posted on 04/20/2004
YVAF-6X "Shadow Killer"
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 04/30/98
"Raptor II"
- Version 1.00 - First released version, posted on 11/12/00
YVF1-A Raven
- Version 1.01 - First released version, posted on 03/10/98
XVF-15 "Gamma"
- Version 0.1 - Preliminary version, posted on 09/30/02. As
Robotech.com only released a a low resolution picture and a preliminary
designation of "Gamma Fighter", this file is still subject to drastic change
when (or if) Robotech.com decides to revisit it.
The article that originally describes the
"Gamma" can be found here
YVF-29 "Jade Falcon"
- Version 1.02 - First released version, posted on 07/29/98
REF Tactical Battle Pod Z1
- Version 1.02 - Posted on 08/11/01. New random hit locations
- Version 1.01 - Posted on 11/22/00. Posted the history from
Robotech Technical files, before Peter Walker (et al) decided that the Z-1
was an upgraded Zentraedi mecha and not REF
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 06/15/98
REF Officer's Battle Pod Z2
- Version 1.02 - Posted on 08/11/01. New random hit locations
- Version 1.01 - Posted on 11/22/00. Posted the history from
Robotech Technical files, before Peter Walker (et al) decided that the Z-2
was an upgraded Zentraedi mecha and not REF
- Version 1.0 - First released version, posted on 06/15/98

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