(Version 1.00 - Last updated: 11/13/98)
- Concept and Background by Kenneth
- Additional reference material provided by Nathan Babcook
The VR-072 Executioner Assault Cyclone was designed by the Robotech Research
group on Tirol in 2040. The goal was to produce a cyclone that was nearly as
powerful as an alpha fighter, but maintained the original size of the cyclone. REF
planners become acutely aware of the difficulties with liberating Earth and that it would
take several years to build up the REF fleet to the point were a direct assault was
possible. In the mean time, a new generation of cyclones were to be designed in the
hopes that these new 'super' cyclones would be so powerful to keep the Invid Regis's
forces more than occupied in the interim. Small groups of elite military specialists
would be combat dropped in Earth's upper atmosphere equipped with VR-072's. These
groups would then proceed to attack the Invid infrastructure including protoculture
processing plants, small hives, outlying bases, and patrols. It was hoped that this
would prevent the Regis from concentrating her efforts on building up planetary defenses
to the point that a direct assault was made impossible.
Some 100 units were built between 2041 and 2043. From the beginning of the
project, the VF-072 met with difficulties. The Robotech Research Engineering group
soon found that additional protoculture cells were needed to power the mecha. As a
result the Executioner is powered by 3 protoculture cells, two more than the standard
cyclone. One is cell is used to power the mecha. One cell is dedicated to the
EP-50 reflex cannon and the final cell is used to power the shoulder mounted EP-41R.
Even with the additional protoculture cells, the EP-41 and EP-50 were limited
to the number of shots that each could fire at any given time. However, the cyclone
test pilots felt that the addition of both weapons increased the total available firepower
and should be kept.
The initial combat test of the VR-072 was to take place over Earth on June 10th 2043.
Thirty three Executioners were placed on each of the following three Garfish class
destroyers: SS. Cobra, SS. Asp, and SS Viper. These ships would then make a
high speed combat drop over Earth placing groups of VF-072's over Europe and North
America. The three ships folded into Earth space as planned, however at that point
everything went awry. The SS. Cobra was immediately destroyed with all aboard by
ground based anti-ship weaponry that the Regis was experimenting with and the SS. Asp took
three crippling shots. Fortunately, some of the personal were able to abandon the
doomed ship before it vaporized on impact over the Atlantic ocean. Only the SS.
Viper was able to release all 33 of its VR-072's over what was the Great Lakes region of
North America.
The VR-072 proved itself extremely adept at fighting Invid on Earth. Groups of these
units participated on no less than 100 actions against outposts and managed to destroy 2
hives. However, REF high command frustrated by the disastrous results decided to
cancel the VR-072 project after some additional 50 units were produced to replace the
initial losses. The remaining 45 surviving units on Earth continued the battle until
the final assault against Reflex Point, when some 13 units managed to penetrate and
destroy an Invid Communication Tower.
- Vehicle Type: Veritech Cyclone
- Class: Powered Armor
Manufacturer: Robotech Expeditionary Forces (REF)
Crew: One pilot wearing CVR-3d body armor
Location |
Executioner |
Head |
50 |
Headlight / Sensors |
5 |
Tires (2) |
5 |
Storage Box |
2 |
Thrusters (rear) |
25 |
Legs (2) |
100 |
Arms (2) |
50 |
CADS (2) |
50 |
GR-105 (2) |
30 |
(1) Main Body |
250 |
Shoulder mounted EP-41R |
50 |
GR-10 (2) |
20 |
EP-50 |
50 |
- Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha.
- RUNNING (with booster jumps):
- 200 kph
- 100 meters without thrusters.
- 350 kph for two minutes
- 2 x P&W PR-0718 REAR ENGINES (MOUNTED ON REAR): Maneuvering
thrusters are mounted on the back of the mecha. Max thrust, 25 kN
- 3.0m
- 600 kg
- Equal to a P.S. of 40
- None
- 1 x RRF-79 Micronized Protoculture Engine
- 1 standard canisters of Protoculture
10.9 lit. D2O reactant for fusion engines.
- Delta V:
- 25 kps
- None

The GR-105 is mounted on the front wheel covers. The Plasma missiles are laser-guided and
have a range of 1 mile (1.7 km).
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Defense
- Missile Type: REF Plasma Mini-missiles ONLY
- Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 per missile
- Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of one, three, or all. Remember, a
volley counts as one melee attack regardless of the number of missiles.
- Range: 1 mile, 5280 ft
- Payload: 6 missiles per launcher.
These launchers are mounted to the outer leg portion of the CVR-3 armor, for a total of
six tubes, with a single missile in each tube. Guided by the Cyclone's internal sensors,
this weapon fires the same projectiles as the GR-103 (usually armor-piercing).
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Defense
- Missile Type: Any REF mini-missile except plasma amy be used
- Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
- Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of three. Remember, a volley counts as
one melee attack regardless of the number of missiles.
- Range: Varies with missile type; 1 mile.
- Payload: 3 missiles per launcher.

The EP-41R can fire 1.0 MJ shots at a maximum sustained rate of the rate of 30 shots per
minute, but is capable of instantaneous rate of fire of 300 shots per minute. This weapon
is mounted on the right shoulder of the cyclone in battloid and is capable of +60 to -30
degree traverse in altitude, and a 15 degree traverse in azimuth. The weapon is powered
from its own dedicated protoculture cell, and is somewhat unreliable, tending to overheat
at maximum firing rate. The gun machinery requires the removal of the Cyclone's flip-up
targeting sensor, which is replaced by a fixed monocular head piece attached to a modified
CVR helmet.
- Primary Purpose: Assault
- Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
- Mega-Damage: 6D6 MDC
- Rate of Fire: Equal to pilot's Attacks per melee, but constant firing of more
than four minutes will cause the weapon to overheat. this requires a cooling down period
of 1D8 melees
- Range: 4000 ft
- Payload: Effectively Unlimited
- 1 x EP-50 REFLEX AUTOCANNON: A powerful particle beam cannon internally mounted
within the right chest cavity, replacing the two GR-103 mini-missile launchers standard to
the VR-41 Saber. The cannon is also prone to overheat, rendering it useless for 2D6
melee rounds whenever a natural one to strike is rolled.
- Primary Purpose: Anti-mecha.
- Damage: 2D4x10 MD.
- Rate of fire: Up to 30 times an hour
- Range: One mile.
- Payload: Unlimited.
- Purpose: Personal combat / clandestine operations / ramming.
- Range: Touch.
- Damage: (slash) 4D4 MD, (punch) 4D6 MD, (power punch) 1D4x10 MD (counts
as two attacks)
As with all REF Cyclones, the arm shields of the VR-072 Executioner are designed to
interface with any one of the GR-series weapon modules, or an EP-42 Pulse Beam Gun. One
weapon module can be mounted on each forearm shield. The Cyclone's onboard computer system
will automatically recognize which weapon module is installed and adjust the targeting
displays on the pilot's helmet accordingly. Any GR or EP-series weapon module can be used.
- HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the Executioner can engage in melee combat
rather than use a weapon. The Griffin is extremely agile and can execute most
typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with
impacts, etc.
- Punch: 1D6*3
- Kick: 1D6*3
- Leap Kick: 2D6*3
- Body Flip/Throw: 1D6*3
- Body Block/Tackle: 1D6*3
- Stomp: 1D4*3 . (only effective against small objects)

- PLANTARY REENTRY SHIELD: The Executioner can be encased in a planetary
reentry shield. This shield is used to drop the VR-072 from planetary orbit for
insertion on a planet. The shield is encased with radar absorbing material for
reduced signatures, and has 100 MDC.
- HARRIS CT-12 COMBAT COMPUTER: The Executioner is equipped with a combat
computer that can store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. The combat
computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 500
images stored in memory. The computer can identify and track up to 100 targets
- EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that
can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
- HOMING SIGNAL: The Executioner is equipped with a homing device that enables
rescue teams to locate a disabled craft. The range of the signal is 400 miles (640 km).
Most REF ships and veritechs can locate and track a homing signal, and the onboard
computers will automatically notify their pilots if such a signal is detected.
- LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range: 10 miles (160 km). Used for increased accuracy in
the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the mecha's strike bonus.
- LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to
amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
- OPTICS: INFRARED: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam
of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye, but detectable by the mecha's
sensors. The system allows the pilot to detect hidden/concealed objects by their IR
reflectiveness. The beam will be visible to anyone with IR sensitive optics, however.
- OPTICS: NIGHTVISION: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier
that emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically
amplified to produce a visible picture.
- OPTICS: THERMAL IMAGER: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive optical heat sensor
that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts that data into a
false-color visible image. The system enables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows,
and through smoke, and also adds a +10% bonus to pilots using a tracking skill.
- RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications system with
satellite relay capabilities. Range: 100 miles (960 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via
satellite relay.
- 3 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
- Add one additional action/attack at levels five and ten.
- +2 to strike
- +2 to parry.
- +3 to dodge
- +1 to leap dodge. An automatic dodge just like the parry, with no loss of attacks
per melee.
- +3 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
- Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
- Robotech Technical Files: Cyclone
- Palladium Books: "The Sentinels"
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