KDF-3 K'turk "E-Wing" Karbarran Defense Fighter
(Version 1.0
- Last updated: 04/20/03)
- Background and RPG Statistics by
Kenneth Olson
- Based on an original mecha design by John Waltrip and Jason Waltrip
Published in Academy Comics' "Robotech: The Sentinels Book IV Number 10"
The K'turk, known as the "E-Wing" to the Robotech Expeditionary
Forces, was the primary space superiority fighter for the Karbarran Defense
Forces (KDF) prior to the Invid Assault on their planet in 2028. Initial
production began in secret underground facilities unknown to the Robotech
Masters and the Zentraedi in 1994 where a total of 1,127 fighters were produced
over the next 30 years until the removal of the Zentraedi garrison in 2024.
The E-Wing was designed purely for space combat and lacks the aerodynamic
styling of dual use spacecraft. The simple design resulted in a fighter
which was cheaply built and easy to mass produce. The inadequate atmospheric
performance was not viewed as a liability as the KDF viewed the Zentraedi fleet
in low orbit as their primary concern in any rebellion attempt. When the
rebellion was to begin, thousands of K'turk fighters would
launch to engage the orbiting Zentraedi fleet before they could bombard the
planet or send reinforcements.
The E-Wing was designed around six Y'rea-4 plasma shock engines.
The engines are mounted in pairs in the rear of each of the main supports of the K'turk.
Each engine has a maximum thrust of 60 kN of static thrust in the atmosphere
or 45 kN (90 kN in overboost) using internal reaction mass for
spaceborne operations (specific impulse of 3000 sec). The engines are fueled from three large internal fuel tanks
providing a total of 5,000 liters of D20. This gives the K'turk nearly
50 kps of delta-v and allows the fighter to break free from any planetary
The primary weapon on the -A model are six 40mm single barrel autocannons mounted in pairs on each of the three main supports. Each
cannon can fire rounds out to a maximum combat range of 2,000 meters at 250
rounds per minute. Each pair of of cannons are fed from an internal
300 round drum. The K'turk does possess two hard points mounted underneath
the vehicle on either side of the central structure. The vehicle was
designed to carry four long range reaction weapons; however, up to 25 short
range hammerhead missiles can be mounted in box launchers on either hardpoint.
Later variants replace the six 40mm cannons with an equivalent number
of 7 MJ particle cannons. However, the -B variant was not introduced
until after the liberation of the planet by Sentinel forces in 2032.
Designed to be as maneuverable as possible, the K'turk is
lighly armored with an advanced titanium composite. The vehicle is immune
from all light caliber anti-personal weaponry. However, the fighter
is easily destroyed from several hits from medium caliber (55mm or greater)
or single shots from high caliber weaponry. The more advanced -B variant
is armored with a third generation Chobham plate with provides nearly double
the protection of the earlier armor.
The removal of the Zentraedi legions in 2024 allowed the Karbarrans
complete independence from the Robotech Masters; however, it also removed the
final barrier to an Invid invasion. The KDF was well aware of the planets
precarious position and immediately mobilized the entire planet to full production.
Over the next four years, Karbarran industry which had produced weapons
during the past two centuries solely for the Zentraedi and the Robotech Masters
switched production to native designs and nearly 50,000 E-Wing fighters were
produced in those four years. Unfortunately for the KDF, the Invid forces
which invaded the planet in 2020 outnumbered the defenders by nearly 50 to
1. Several starships were able to escape once it became evident that the
battle was hopeless and several hundred fighters returned to hidden underground
hangers on the planet in an effort to continue to resist the Invid at a later
date. By the time the REF, was able to liberate the planet only 125 E-Wing
fighters were operational by resistance forces. Production was resumed the
following year with the introduction of the -B model which replaced the six
40mm autocannons with six 7 MJ particle beam cannons. A total of 7,450 -B
variants were manufactured from 2032 until all production ended in 2037 with
the introduction of the VF-6G. The KDF-3 was retired to the planetary
guard units in 2041 and eventually all the units were retired by 2050. However,
because of the simple and easy to modify design various pirate groups continued
to use the K'turk until well beyond 2050.
- Vehicle Type: KDF-3 K'turk "E-Wing" Karbarran Defense Fighter
- Class: Space Superiority Fighter
- Manufacturer: Karbarran Defense Forces
Crew: One pilot
- Service History:
- KDF-3A: Served with the Karbarran Defense Forces from 2002
until 2035
- KDF-3B: Served with the Karbarran Defense Forces from 2032 until
Location |
Cannons (3)
25 each
50 each
Wings (2)
50 each
100 each
Engines (3) |
25 each |
50 each
* Main Body
* Pilot's Compartment
50 |
60 |
- * Destroying MDC of the main body or the pilot's compartment will
destroy the unit.

- Max level speed: 500 kph at sea level (in Earth-like atmosphere)
- Max level speed: 750 kph at 30,000 m (in Earth-like atmosphere)
Stall speed: 300 kph
Initial climb rate: over 20,000 m per minute
Service ceiling: Effectively unlimited, can enter into low orbit
- +12.0/-6.5 (Computer overrides at 9.5g)
- 5.65 g
- 12.2 kps with 5,000 kg of D20
- Drop Tanks (although not normally used as they preclude the use of the
missile hardpoints) will provide an additional delta v of:
- 1300 liters - 2.5 kps
- 2310 liters - 4.3 kps
- 4000 liters - 7.1 kps
- 4.1 m
- 10.2 m
- 13.8 m
- 9,750 kg (empty)
- 17,000 kg (full load)
- None
- Tz'hyer 0.9 GGV Peat-Protoculture Furnace
- [Main] 6 x Y'REA-4 PLASMA-SHOCK EXPANSION ENGINES Y'rea-4 Plasma-Shock
Expansion Engines : Six Y'rea-4 plasma shock engines are
mounted in pairs in the rear of each of the main supports of the K'turk.
Each engine has a maximum thrust of 60 kN of static thrust in the atmosphere
or 45 kN (90 kN in overboost) using internal reaction mass for
spaceborne operations (specific impulse of 3000 sec).
- 100 kg of Peat-Protoculture (equivalent to 20 standard canisters of
- 30 days of continuous use
- None
6 x SINGLE-BARREL 40MM CANNON: The only internal weaponry for the -A
model of the K'turk are six single barrel 40mm autocannons mounted in pairs
in each of the three central structures. The GU-19 can fire up to 250
rounds per minute out to an effective combat range of 2.0 kilometers.
The weapon is gimbled such that it has a field of fire of approximately
±20 degrees in both azimuth an elevation.
Ammunition for each of the dual pairs is provided from and internal supply
of 300 rounds.
- RANGE: 2000 m
- DAMAGE: 2D4 MDC per short burst (10 rounds), and
3D6 MDC per medium burst (20 rounds)
- RATE OF FIRE: Single shots or bursts equal to the combined
attacks of the pilot.
- PAYLOAD: 300 rounds (per dual mount) or 30 short bursts or 15 medium bursts
-B variant of the K'turk replaced the venerable autocannon system with a
more modern particle beam cannons. Each cannon and associated power
conditioning units are mounted in the same volume of space where the older
autocannon system resided in the -A variant and as a result, many -A models
were upgraded with the newer weapons. Each particle beam cannon is
fed directly from the main protoculture energizer and can fire 5 MJ bursts
out to 2.5 kilometers up to 10 times per minute. Like the older
model, the particle cannons are gimbaled such that it has a field of fire
of approximately ±20 degrees in both azimuth
an elevation.
- RANGE: 2500 m
- DAMAGE: 4D6 per shot
- RATE OF FIRE: Single shots or bursts equal to the combined
attacks of the pilot.
- PAYLOAD: Effectively unlimited
- 2 x MISSILE HARDPOITS: The K'turk possesses two hard points
mounted underneath the vehicle on either side of the central structure.
Each hardpoint can hold up to four long-range reactive missiles or up to
twenty-five short range missiles.
- RANGE: Varies on missile type
- DAMAGE: Varies on missile type
- RATE OF FIRE: In volleys up to 2 long, 5 medium, or 5 short
range missiles
- MISSILE PAYLOAD: 2 long range missiles, 5 medium
range, 25 short range missiles, or up to 2,000 kg of fuel or ordinance
can be mounted under each hardpoint
- HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Although the K'turk does not possess
any real hand to hand combat ability, the unit can ram or land on targets
if necessary.
- Ram (300 kph): 1D6*10 MDC
- Ram (600 kph): 4D6*10 MDC
- Crush: 2D6 (only effective against targets less than 2 meters
- ACTIVE SENSOR JAMMER ZTR-2: Providing broadband
protection from 200 MHz through 20 GHz. Estimated system effective
radiative power 40 dBW.
- CHAFF AND FLARE DISPENSERS ZTR-2: 50 chaff and 50 flares
are stored in rear of the fighter.
- COMBAT COMPUTER: The combat computer tracks and identifies specific
enemy targets, and has a database of over 1,000 images stored in memory. The
computer can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously.
POD: The entire reinforced cockpit of the KDF-3 is a detachable escape pod
that can be jettisoned when the mecha is destroyed. The ejected cockpit
contains two thrusters which provide limited flight capabilities, up to 0.5
kps delta-v in spaceborne operations. The escape pod does contain a
powerful locator beacon and an integrated life support system that can support
the pilot for up to 24 hours after ejection. The pod is also equipped with
parachutes in case of ejection in an atmosphere. The combat computer is
programmed to automatically eject the escape pod if the mecha is destroyed
(main body MDC reduced to 0), but this can be overridden if the pilot is
feeling suicidal for some reason.
- INFRA-RED WARNING RECEIVER ZTR-2: Providing rear aspect
protection from IR guided missiles
- HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the
penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. A radiation detection and
alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a
rupture in the shields and what the levels of radiation are.
- LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range 50 miles (160 km). Used for
increased accuracy in the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible
for the mecha's strike bonus.
- OPTICS (THERMAL IMAGER): Range 1000 m. A passive optical heat
sensor that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts
that data into a false-color visible image. The system enables the pilot to
see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke, and also adds a +10% bonus to
pilots using a tracking skill.
- OPTICS (VISUAL): Telescopic optics (x10 magnification) and
comes with a multi-band digital camera.
- RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications
system with satellite relay capabilities. Range: 600 miles (960 km) or can be
boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
- RADAR: Short range radar X-band pulse Doppler radar. Detection
radar against 0 dBsm target 60 km. System consists of conformal antenna on
the main body and legs of the mecha thereby reducing the passive radar cross
- RADAR WARNING RECEIVER ZTR-2 (RWR): Providing all aspect
broadband protection from RF guided missiles.
- . TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The K'turk's cockpit is
pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit
that provides him with pressurized breathing. Zentraedi armor also contains an
upper and lower g-suit that promotes blood circulation even during high-g
turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat.
- 2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot)
- Add one additional action/attack at levels five and ten
- +0 on initiative
- +1 to strike
- +3 to dodge
- +0 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage
by half.
- Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
- 0 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
- Add one additional action/attack at levels six and eleven
- +0 on initiative
- +0 to strike
- +1 to dodge
- +0 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage
by half.
- Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
Random Hit Locations
When there is an equal chance of hitting both sides from 1D6
- 1-3 hits the right side
- 4-6 hits the left
When there is a preferred side, roll 1D10
- 1-8 hits the preferred side
- 9-10 hits the opposite side
K'turk Ewing |
Cannons (Main Body/Wings) |
01-20 |
- |
01-10 |
01-10 |
01-10 |
Wings (Main Body) |
21-60 |
01-40 |
11-60 |
11-55 |
11-60 |
(Main Body/Wings) |
- |
41-60 |
61-70 |
56-65 |
61-70 |
Main Body (Driver) |
61-90 |
61-90 |
71-90 |
66-80 |
71-00 |
Pilot's Compartment |
91-00 |
91-00 |
91-00 |
81-00 |
- |
- Academy Comics: Robotech The Sentinels Book IV Number 10
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